Let's create something special together

Whether it's your first visit or you are seeking a second opinion, it all begins with a conversation that's open and caring. I'm here to help you achieve your reproductive potential.
Get in touch
When considering your baby plans
I bring the latest scientific and technological advances to the table.

When trying for a baby things don’t always go to plan. While I provide the leading assisted reproductive technologies and techniques in many cases success can be achieved by making some simple lifestyle changes. I discuss in detail with my patients the small evidence-based lifestyle changes they and their partners can make that can impact fertility success.

Infertility can be more common than you think

1 in 6 Australian couples experience infertility

Although women carry the burden of infertility

Male factors make up almost 50% of infertility in couples.

It's a fact that in Australia

At age 41, most women only have a 4% chance of conceiving

Fertility services

There is much we can do to improve conception likelihood without medical intervention. I often discuss lifestyle and environmental factors that impact your fertility. However, if required, I provide the following fertility services:
  • Ovulation induction
  • In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • IVF with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • Egg freezing
  • Male factor infertility investigations
  • Oncofertility preservation
  • Gamete (sperm and ovum) Donation
  • Cycle tracking
  • Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)

Fertility Investigations

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to start.
Research has shown that Australia faces high rates of unintended pregnancy and infertility, with many Australians not achieving their reproductive preferences or potential.

Little is known about how contemporary Australians of reproductive age manage fertility options. An estimated 1 in 6 couples in Australia are unable to conceive without medical intervention, highlighting the need for further investigation into the association between infertility and its many causes, including lifestyle factors, age, and stress.